pop-up office (2020). 

We now live betwixt and between, in the real and the virtual, offline and on, remotely and in person. In this new state, we can work from bed, change our camera settings, and mute without having to be silent. Our environments are customizable, not bound by reality.

pop-up office hosts a long table whose proportion and scale resembles both the slick conference table of the corporate office, the lunch table in the canteen, and the domestic dining table. The act of working is choreographed through a “bring-your-own-office” principle: chairs and tabletop surfaces are placed at the entrance waiting to be inserted within the matrix of the table frame by each user while ensuring a six-foot distance between seats. The central placement of the table allows for continuous, socially distanced circulation around the workspace; a monitor at one end invites people to join remotely. The color of the workspace backdrop can be adjusted using a smartphone to fit the mood. 

The temporary workspace pop-up office was installed in the Yale School of Architecture North Gallery from September 21 to October 16, 2020. It served as an additional resource for student-led organizations and project-work at the Yale Schools of Architecture and Art, providing a physical meeting ground (that adhered to COVID-19 social distancing and ventilation regulations) for members of the Yale design community and beyond.

As part of the HMWRK Research Collective: Gustav Kjær Vad Nielsen, Rachael Tsai, Jack Rusk, Diana Smiljković

Graphic Designers: Nick Massarelli, Luiza Dale